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Problems people face on their first job in Dubai?

Problems people face on their first job in Dubai?

In this post we will discuss what problems you may face once you get a job in Dubai and how to solve them? Read on to know about all those problems with their solutions.

Employment Visa - Rules and Regulations

Employers know that you don't know Rules and Regulation so employers exploit your little knowledge on the rules and law and order. For example Terms and conditions you agree, but in the majority of organizations who are smaller in size when they issue a Visa to you, they keep some deposit and a Pink Color Employment Paper is issued then your visit visa gets converted to the Employment Visa. This paper is not an Employment Visa but its starting point for conversion of Visit Visa to Employment Visa. After receiving this Pink Paper you have to do the Medical test within 60 days of the visa then this paper with the medical record has to be submitted to the municipality where fingerprints are taken and other formalities are done and then an Employment Visa is issued on your passport and passport is sent to you by courier. Then in this process the employer will frustrate you during these 60 days and in the last week of this period. So don't wait for the last week of this period to keep asking your employer about the Visa. Employers do this to check the quality of your work and they may ask you to leave if during this period they are not happy with you. So it's important that you ask them to provide the Visa as soon as possible. You can also leave the job if you are not happy with your job. 

Medical Costs - Employee or Employer to pay

Medical costs are around 650 dhs. Employer has to pay for this amount. But most of the employers ask employees to pay and employees think that if they want to continue their job they pay without resistance. But you have to ask your employers about the medical fee, citing the rules and regulations. Urgent Medical Test can be done in 2-3 days and for a normal period it takes 10-15 days. 

Employment Contract - Limited or Unlimited  

Contracts are of two types - limited and unlimited. Most employers prefer limited contracts as the terms and conditions of the limited contract are in their favor. Notice period is of duration of 30 days for Unlimited Contract and 3 months for Limited Contract. So be aware that while signing the contract, ask for a Unlimited COntract with your employer so that while switching the job you don't have to wait for a 3 months period as no employer waits for that long and they want to hire resources as soon as possible.  

Paid Vacation and AirFare

As per UAE rules after working for 11 months, 12th month is given as paid vacation to employees. So most of the employers will give the paid vacation but do not give you air fares for to and fro to your home country. They mention it in the contract as it is required by law but does not give the air fare, so keep a copy of the contract with you and show them in case they do not follow the contract, ask them politely. 

Job switching 

Get your exit stamp by paying the fee. Don't leave UAE until you have your next visa or job in your hand. As in case you have an offer from an employer and in case you return to your country then they will back out and will offer the job to another candidate who can join immediately, so don't rush wait, join the job before leaving for your country. Switching jobs while you are in the UAE is most beneficial.  

Passport kept by Employer

Most of the employers keep your passport while you are working there. This is illegal and no employer is supposed to keep your passport.  


Some companies offer accommodation and transportations. You can then stay at your convenience otherwise try to stay near to your job, it will save your energy, time and money. In long long you will feel more productive and will be able to save money for other essential expenses or to send to or home.

Hope you will read and apply these in your life while you work and stay in Dubai.