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Complete guide for Job in Dubai from Passport to Job - Problems and Solutions

Complete guide for Job in Dubai from Passport to Job - Problems and Solutions

In this post we will talk about the complete cycle of getting a job from passport to the job in Dubai. We will cover Problems and their Solutions for issues like passport, visa, offer letter, job agents, salary, etc.


First thing you need to have an international valid password so that you can go to Dubai for getting a job. Please ensure that you have a valid passport and its validity is valid for a longer period of time.

Visa for Dubai - 30 days or 90 days?

Next thing is to take a visa for Dubai to visit Dubai so that you can search for jobs. Please make sure that you don't go for a 30 day visit visa instead you have a 90 day visa for Dubai because everything you do in Dubai takes time. You apply for jobs, then you wait for the confirmation calls from companies and companies also take time to respond to all your applications and it will take around 20-30 days to close an application. So it is better to take a visa of 90 days instead of a 30 day visit visa because 30 day will be consumed in a very short span of time and you will have no results. In the end you will be frustrated after 30 days. And in case you are visiting Dubai on a 30 Days Visit Visa and  you go for an extension of visit to the 90 days in Dubai it will cost you higher than the cost of a 90 days visit visa if you have taken from India. So while applying for Visa go for a 90 days visit visa when you are traveling to Dubai to search for jobs.

Visa for Dubai through Visa agent or Travel Agent

Next thing you have to do is to apply for a visa. You can apply through visa agents or through travel agents. Make sure that you apply visa through Visa Agents only, and don't go for the travel agents they charge you much higher cost as they include different types of services that and charge a huge amount for those services like stay, food, lodging and boarding services and they might give you confirmation for the jobs but most of them are cheaters and eat up your money without providing services they promise. Also you might not know if they are trustworthy or not and if they will fulfill all the conditions they are telling you, while you land in Dubai. So it is better to go for a Visa through Visa agents only. The visa agents are people who apply for Visa on your behalf and get the visa from the embassies, so they will fill up all the application form, they will take the documents copies from you and they will apply for Visa at the embassies. And get your passport stamped with a Visa so they charge a very nominal fee and you might get a 90-day visa in less than 20000 in India.

Ticket for Dubai

Next you need to have a ticket for Dubai for any economy class travel cost around 7000-8000 if you are looking for at least 30 days in advance. So don't go on a next day ticket booking kind of situation because in that case the ticket will cost double or triple the actual cost of the ticket. Suppose if you are looking for tomorrow tomorrow's ticket for economy class for Dubai that it may cause around 20 to 25000 the same ticket if you will book in out of season and 30 days advance then it may cost around 7000-8000 Indian rupees.

Where to stay in Dubai

When you land in Dubai the first thing that you look for is your stay in dubai so before booking your tickets and visa for Dubai ensure that you have someone who knows you in Dubai. When you plan your travel Dubai, ask your man in Dubai to book a room in a separate  accommodation or shared accommodation for you for at least 30 days because less than 30 days could be an issue for you as everything takes time so ensure that you are staying there for at least 30 days to while you search, apply, wait for confirmation call from the companies - all this could take up at least 30 days, that's why min 30 days stay is required to get job. Also look for private rented or shared accommodation as staying at Hotel may cost you around 200 to 300 dhs per day and will be a huge cost for you. So it's better to stay at shared or rented accommodation. 

In case you don't have someone in Dubai, then the best option is to search on Google and you will find lots of shared accommodation / hostels where they provide you a bed for staying in room and room is shared between different participants or occupants. Some owners also provide facilities for breakfast and food, for some extra nominal charges.

Local travel in Dubai

While you search for jobs, go for interviews, you have to travel while you visit different companies for interviews, don't go for the Taxis as this will cost too much, instead use the government transport services like train, bus or Metro to travel around Dubai to visit different companies for interviews.

Searching for current / latest jobs in Dubai

You can use Google to search for the current jobs available in Dubai and for walk-in interviews in Dubai. Nowadays. walk in interviews are arranged by most of the companies so you can search for walk-in interviews in Dubai and you can apply to then. Then you can visit those companies for walk-in interviews.  You can also search for jobs in local newspapers because many companies publish job vacancies in these local newspapers.   Don't get trapped in the fictitious lucrative offers by the Job Agents. They will charge a huge amount from you and then will send you to 2-3 interviews and when you get you will be tired and your visa period will be coming to end. You will return without any job and they won't return your money too. They will run away with your money and don't get trapped in these job agents.

Offer letter - What to look for 

When you get the offer letter from the company, you shall read all the terms written in the offer letter because some companies change terms and conditions of the employment in their own favor and in case you sign the offer letter without reading the complete terms and conditions you may get trapped into in any situation that will not be in your favor. So at least read all the terms and conditions once before signing the job letters you receive from these companies. Once you are comfortable with the terms and conditions, only then sign the offer letter.

Work visa - who pays you or company

Another important thing you need to look into the offer letter is that the work visa is free of cost for you and same is mentioned in the offer letter because as per law of UAE work visa of an employee it is the responsibility of the employer will pay for the work visa so ensure that your offer letter is having that terms mentioned clearly. Even if it is not mentioned in the offer letter, ask your company about the same and ensure that they will be paying work visa fee for you.

Agents for jobs

In case you are applying to jobs through an agent please ensure that you are not paying him all the money he is asking for a job as this agent may charge you from 1500 dhs to 3,000 dhs  for a job so please ensure that you are not paying him all the money. Confirm from him that he will charge the money once you get the salary from the company then it's fine to go with that agent only because once you joins a company and get the offer letter then it is the guarantee that your job is confirmed then you can pay the amount to be agent.

Salary and experience

You will see a huge difference in salaries in the same profile in the same company. This difference comes from the person’s experience and skill set so if a person is having 4 to 5 years of working experience in Dubai then his salary will be on a higher side compared to the person who is fresher only with a fresher profile and has no experience in the Dubai area.

I hope you liked the post. Use these tips to avoid getting trapped in difficult situations.